SRHR Short Course and Law

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Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST) is organising a training on National and International Human Rights Mechanisms on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) from 11-13 July 2019 at the BIAM Foundation, Dhaka for members of Safe Space Group Advisory Committees, staff lawyers panel and staff lawyers of BLAST. The training will be facilitated by Sanaiyya Faheem Ansari, a Freelance Consultant in Human Rights and Gender Issues.


  • To build the capacity of Safe Space Group Advisory Committee Members and staff and panel lawyers on national and international human rights mechanisms;
  • To enhance the knowledge of participants on existing legal instruments such as laws and treaties on human rights, in particular SRHR, both nationally and internationally;
  • To enable participants to understand the intersection between an individual’s sexual and reproductive health rights and their legal rights;
  • To provide information to participants on use of national and international mechanisms to claim remedies in respect of SRHR violations.

Resource Persons

Sanaiyya Faheem Ansari, is the advocate of supreme court. She is currently the Executive Director of “Network of Research and Training (NRT)” Details…

Ainoon Naher is Professor of anthropology at Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.  Details …

Taposhi Rabeya is Assistant Director (Mediation & Gender) of Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST). She is currently responsible for implementing community legal services related activities. Details …

Abdullah Anbar Anan Titir is a Research Specialist at Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST). Details..

Ivan Ahmmed Katha is the President of Socheton Somaj Sheba Hijra Shongho. She was recognized as 3rd Gender in 2013. Details …

Farhana Alam is the coordinator of BRAC JPG.

Course materials
Presentation 46 kb Download
Questions 15 kb Download
5 items Download all
1. How I will be benefited from this training?
This training will give you a short brief on Sexual & Reproductive health and Rights. Besides, from this training you will learn about national and international laws and regulations related to the sexual and reproductive health and rights.
2. Will we have certificate after completing this training?
Yes. You will have the certificate if you complete all the portion of this training.
3. Can we record/download this video?
No. Because the copyright of this training course will preserve by the BLAST.
4. How many days training it is?
It is total three days training, but we have designed this online course separately for online participant and it is only 4 hours online course, and you will have the flexibility to complete this 4 hour in any of your convenient time.
5. Is this training free of cost?
For our staffs, it is free.
6. Where I can use this knowledge acquired by the training?
You can use the knowledge everywhere starting from your personal life to professional life. Because, we have designed this course in such a way so that it can enrich anyone, and anyone can apply this knowledge both in their personal and professional life.

Ongoing, opportunity sections to be added in the announcement section.

Physical Sessions

— 28 February 2017

The physical sessions was held in 5-7 December, 2019 | 9 am- 5 pm | Hotel 71 | Dhaka