Sanaiyya Faheem Ansari

Sanaiyya Faheem Ansari, is the advocate of supreme court. She is currently the Executive Director of “Network of Research and Training (NRT)” and acting as a CSR consultant for Bangladesh, Tchibo GmbH. She is a human rights activist and has above 20 years of work experience on Human rights mechanism. She served as Coordinator of Gender and justice programme and as senior deputy director in Ain o Salish Kendro (ASK).

She is a Freelance Consultant on issues of Gender, Human Rights, Rights of the Marginalized especially Dalits, Horizon (Sweeper), Sex Workers (Brothel and Street based), and Sexual Minorities Groups (LGBTQ) and is a Regional Council Member and Program & Management member of the Asia Pacific Women Law and Development (APWLD), and is also an International Trainer on Feminist Legal Theory and Practice (FLTP) of APWLD.
