• Research and Mapping
  • Equality Fellowships
  • Research on Gender Discriminatory Laws
    Awareness Raising and Empowerment
  • Poster Competitions
  • University Dialogue Sessions
    Capacity Building
  • “Love, Life and Law” Sessions for Students on Human Rights, Gender, SRHR, and Mental Health)
  • Short Courses on SRHR and the Law for Lawyers, Academics and Paralegals.
  • Training on National and International Laws and Human Rights Mechanism on SRHR
  • Orientation on High Court Judgments Prohibiting Use of ‘Two Finger Test’ (TFT) on Rape Survivors, for lawyers, judges, police and medical officers


• Regional Workshop on Equality and Discrimination
• Advocacy to implement public interest directives of Supreme Court on gender equality
o with government bodies and other institutions on addressing discriminatory laws and building awareness of the High Court judgment prohibiting TFT
o with justice sector actors, to establish sexual harassment elimination committees in relevant institutions in compliance with High Court guidelines on sexual harassment
o to create women-friendly spaces in all district courts and higher courts, including adequate toilet facilities and resting and breast-feeding corners, for women lawyers, court staff and litigants
o with public universities to set up sexual harassment complaint and prevention committees and create gender-friendly sand safe spaces for students within university premises
• Short Film Competition on Equality and Freedom

BLAST is currently implementing this initiative in partnership with BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University. The Centre for Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (CGSRHR) at BRAC University’s James P Grant School of Public Health, is a Centre of Excellence dedicated to research, policy, advocacy and training activities in the arena of gender, sexual and reproductive health rights, sexuality and rights in Bangladesh and in the region. It promotes a broad-based understanding of many of these core issues, with a focus on rights for marginalised groups. The Centre endeavours to expand the frontiers of public health discourse and practice, and its vision is an empowered Bangladesh where inequalities and inequities in gender, sexual and reproductive health, sexuality and sexual rights have been overcome.