Taqbir Huda

Taqbir Huda is a Research Specialist at Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST) and lectures part time at the London College of Legal Studies (LCLS – South). After completing his LLB from SOAS, University of London in 2016, where he graduated top of his class, he served as a Research Assistant (Law) at Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) before joining BLAST in 2018. His research interests pertain to equality and tort law, with specific focus on strengthening the enforcement of compensation law in Bangladesh to bolster good governance and social justice. His publications include three journal articles in the Bangladesh Journal of Law and SOAS Law Journal, while having over thirty newspaper articles on contemporary socio-legal issues in leading English dailies. He has previously presented at the National Symposium on Women Peace and Security, the National Conference on SGDs Implementation Review, National Youth Conference on SDGs and in various seminars held by BLAST and BILIA.

Email: taqbir@blast.org.bd